Friday, September 14, 2007

Bleach by the gallon

Holy crap Bleach is good, not like "oh my this is good" good, more like I HAVE ASCENDED TO A NEW LEVEL OF BEING GOOD. Not since the Kyoto ark of Kenshin have I enjoyed every page of a manga. Really. Tite Kubo, you sir are awesome. I popped out some panels of one of my favorite fights, Howl Zabimaru! Roar Zangetsu! Kubo's style has really evolved into something amazing and iconic.

Work is still strange, I have no idea what is going. They give me work I finish it in seconds (almost, really!) and then I'm not sure what they think. Should I make it seem like it takes longer? That seems so wrong, but why should I work more just because I'm quicker? Salary work is tough. Enough of real world crap, I'm going to go train so I can achieve Bankai!

Quote of the Post: "On my honor as a Quincy, I will kill you!"

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