Friday, September 28, 2007

More of the same...

El blogo is a going to be really thin on posts for the next 5 days, MADNESS insues. Just more of the same really. The Love of My Life told me that Alex is having a party/get together for her Bday coming up, I wish I could be there for that. Another in along list of things I'm missing/going to miss. Will post more if I get the chance.

Quote of the Post: "lest I have to kill you in the morning"


Alexandra said...

It's not going to be THAT fun.. :p I do wish you could be here, yes.. but I bought all of the decorations for the halloween party yesterday! It's right around the corner!



Anonymous said...

don't tell alex, but halloween is going to be much cooler than her birthday. Halloween we can scare people, alex's birthday, not so much.